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What is a Customer?

A Customer is an individual who purchases products from RIMAN and creates a customer account in our system. Customers are not eligible to re-sell products or participate in the RIMAN Compensation Plan.

Start your journey to a more youthful, radiant life today! Register as a Customer to begin receiving 5% back on all purchases immediately, or enroll as a Planner to receive between 10-45% in rewards simply by sharing your favorite RIMAN Ritual products, and growing a team!

Sign Up

What is a Planner?

A Planner is an individual who has joined the RIMAN Opportunity and can therefore market and/or re-sell products to customers, and also enroll other Beauty Planners into the business. Beauty Planners are eligible to participate in the RIMAN Compensation Plan.

Start your journey to a more youthful, radiant life today! Register as a Customer to begin receiving 5% back on all purchases immediately, or enroll as a Planner to receive between 10-45% in rewards simply by sharing your favorite RIMAN Ritual products, and growing a team!

Sign Up

Face Enhancement

Try our Face Enhancement App

Experience cutting-edge face enhancement technology. Upload your photo and see the magic happen!

  • Instant skin smoothing
  • Blemish removal
  • Facial feature enhancement
  • Uploaded files are not saved.
  • Files processed on the server are deleted after 1 minute.

All Products

This site is operated by an Independent Riman Planner. All sales and enrollments will be under Planner #2083639501.
This is not the official RIMAN corporate website. Visit RIMAN.com for official information.